Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Baked Soaked Oatmeal

Breakfast is seriously like my archnemisis. (Did I spell that right?) Anyway, I'm not a morning person, don't like feeling like a short-order cook, & at 36 weeks pregnant with baby #3, the thought of making something fancy for 2 kiddos for breakfast does not appeal. (It never really appeals though!) And... for those who know me, know that this year I've been taking baby steps towards a more "traditional" and whole food diet for our family. One of those baby steps has been researching soaked oatmeal recipes. I found this one and have adapted this recipe from

While at Cannon Beach this past weekend I tried the recipe out on my family & everyone seemed to like it. (They were either lying or really did like it. HA!) :) So here it is! Super easy, and can be easily reheated for SUPER EASY breakfasts, and it won't make you feel like you're a short order cook! :)

Soak OVERNIGHT or all day:
  • Cover 3 cups of steel cut oats (I like Bob's Red Mill) and 1 cup of walnuts with water

The next morning or in the later evening:

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
  • Drain off any excess water and set oats aside
  • Beat 4 eggs and then combine with 1/2 cup maple syrup and 2 tablespoons coconut oil - set aside
  • Add 1 cup toasted (whole) flaxseeds to oats, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, and a cup or 2 of dried cranberries, frozen blueberries... fruit of your choice. Stir until everything is well mixed into oats
  • Add the egg, syrup, and coconut oil mixture to the oats - stir until well combined
  • Add 2 cups milk to oat mixture and stir until until well combined
  • Pour the oat mixture into a greased 9x13 pan.
  • Bake for an hour or golden

Serve fresh and hot with fresh fruit, yogurt, syrup, and/or honey or reheat the next morning in individual bowls for an easy and quick breakfast!

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